The Radical Womxn Fund

The Radical Womxn Fund is our affiliated 501(c)3 project. We create community education resources and multi-media tools that address the roots of systemic oppression impacting our society. We bring ideas to life virtually and in person, through digital webinars, events, art, video, photo, content creation, and building spaces for authentic connection and liberation.

Healing in Action

Donations to the Fund provide free programming through our current projects.

The Radical Womxn Fund is sponsored as a 501(c)3 project of The Social Impact Media Agency (SIMA).

Your donations are tax-deductible through SIMA’s fiscal sponsorship and we are able to use the funds to create and share resources like workshops and events with our Radical Womxn Fund projects and initiatives. Brand sponsorships and partnerships are also welcome, reach out to start a conversation.

Our Projects

We rally communities around innovative and radical ideas to disrupt culture and create lasting change. Our projects come to life virtually and in person, through multi-media and experiential mediums like art shows and installations, digital webinars, critical conversations, film, photography, and building spaces for authentic connection.

Healing in Action

Healing in Action provides free wellness workshops and resources for vulnerable communities and for organizers who tirelessly dedicate their lives to equity and justice. Contact us to set up a workshop for your community or to become a partner.

Tree Femme Collective

Tree Femme Collective is a mission based community of creatives, educators, health + wellness professionals, and activists. Our work creates new narratives and conversations around cannabis. We use community building and multimedia to educate consumers and repair harm done by the War on Drugs.


Our team provides ongoing pro-bono services, support, and resources to additional community organizations and projects.

The Social Impact Center

Mountain Provisions Cooperative

By working with us, you are supporting diverse communities across the country.